The latest news to come out of Parramatta came on Saturday night
when it was revealed that Parramatta Leagues Club CEO Bob Bentley had been
sacked. He was summarily dismissed after a board meeting on Saturday with Peter
McEvoy having since been installed as interim CEO. Bob is another man that I had met on multiple occasions and someone who I had tremendous respect for. I was saddened and shocked to hear that he was no longer working with the Club.
This is only the latest departure from the Club in recent
weeks, which began with 12 players being told that their services were no
longer required for next year. Football club CEO Ken Edwards parted ways with
the Club. You can read more on that here. Bonnie Hindmarsh and Erin Cayless who were both heavily involved in events at the Club have since left as has Leagues Club operations manager Tony Cinque.Bentley's departure sees him considering his legal options - another drama which the Parramatta Eels don't currently need.
What this latest sacking highlights is what I see as one of the biggest problems at the Parramatta Eels. If there is one word I can use to describe the Eels over the last couple of years, it has to be instablity.
Since 2009, Parramatta has seen the board change twice, the role of Parramatta Leagues Club CEO change multiple times (remember Paul Osbourne everyone) and we have also seen the coach change a number of times. As a Parramatta supporter I find all of this deeply troubling. Whenever a new person comes into office, whatever level they are at, there is always a period of reshuffling and rebuilding as the new person seeks to implement their ideas and their methods as well as separating them from the previous regime. This is one of the reasons I think Parramatta has been so unsuccessful off the field since 2012 - we have not had coaching stability. Each coach is punted when results do not begin going their way. This has set a dangerous precedent and also suggests that if we don't see improvement on the field shortly, Ricky might be living on borrowed time.
Back to Bentley however. What is clearly evident at Parramatta at the moment is that there is friction between the old board led by Roy Spagnolo and the current board led by Stephen Sharp.
Following Bentley's departure, Sid Kelly has tendered his resignation to the football club which could potentially lead to an early election and may see the return of Roy Spagnolo.
This is more upheaval the Club does not need. As a fan, I am tired of all the bickering. It is embarrassing to see the Club I love so much, essentially become the laughing stock of the League. It is shattering to be part of a Club with such a tremendously strong fan base (we hit 17,000 members this week) with management that does not seem to be able to get it right.
This is not meant to be a political post, but I also find it troubling that a petition has now been started protesting the new board and seeking to push for an early election. The new board has only been in place for 3 months and already their ability to make change is being hampered by people again, not giving them enough time. Whatever your view on who is right to lead the club, the new board was voted in legitimately by members - this should be enough of a mandate for them to at least have some time to attempt to make some changes at the Club.
Instead of Parramatta being a Club for someone to control or to exercise control over, we should all be looking to make our club better and stronger. It should not be about which 'ticket' of individuals is better. No one is the enemy. It should be which individuals have the expertise and the love for our club to make it great again. I know very closely members of the Spagnolo camp and also members of the Sharp camp. They are all fantastic leaders, individuals, have great passion for the Club and the ability to help our Club rise to greater heights. However, at the moment, none of this is shining through because it is clearly one faction against the other.
I want better from my Club and I think we deserve it. I no longer want Parramatta to be akin to a bad boyfriend who keeps breaking my heart, over and over.