Today Paul Kent wrote an article in the Daily Telegraph about the cover up of why Ben Barba was stood down. Although I hate posting links to the Daily Telegraph website, you can read the story here.
Paul Kent's views are that it's our right to know what has happened. I have to totally disagree with Paul. It is not our right to know. Now I know a lot of you may disagree with me but I hope you'll hear me out...
These are people's lives, this is real. Whilst an it was an NRL player who allegedly committed the crime, it's something that happened in his personal life. It's not an onfield incident or something that happened whilst he was out representing his club or the NRL so why should it be our business? Why should Ainslie Currie have to live this out through the media? Ainslie has released a statement denying the rumours that just won't go away at the moment. Why does the media keep probing into their personal life? If Ainslie doesn't want to take it any further that's her decision. It's not up to us or the media to decide whether that's the right decision or not.
The issue here isn't that we have the right to know what happened, it's that Todd Greenberg has allegedly covered up the reasons why Ben Barba was stood down to the NRL. If the rumours are true then Todd Greenberg should have gone straight to the NRL, I'm not disputing that. My issue is that it's not our right to know as Paul Kent suggests.
I'm sick of people being trialled by media. The media don't care about Ainslie Currie, if they did they would have helped her behind closed doors; alerted the NRL, not splash it all over the front page of their papers. All they care about is getting a headline to sell papers.
If it turns out that these accusations are true then the NRL need to come down hard on Ben Barba. As long as they're not ignoring the issue to try and cover it up, I'm ok with not knowing what happened. I don't feel like it's our right to know. I know I definitely wouldn't like my personal issues splashed all over the media.
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